Yoursign Art took off as I wanted to give a friend a personalized gift that could represent the love she shared with her partner. As I didn’t find anything that appealed me as I expected, I designed a poster. The idea was based on combining the zodiacal signs of my friend and her partner in a simple and sleek pattern shaped as the two signs merged together. The idea turned into a concept where zodiacal signs of one's family and friends could be combined to represent the value of their relationship. The concept turned into a startup company called Yoursign Art that I co-founded together with my sister and a prominent Swedish influencer. We launched a number of design concepts for which we varied shapes and colors, yet still maintaining the sleek design. The posters were positioned as premium products that were sold through our webshop. Our vision was to add an interior design detail to represent the sense of these relationships.
Duration: (July 2018 - January 2019)
My role: Co-founder, Art Director, WebDesigner, Branding.
Location: Kungsbacka, Sweden