Justus is a startup that was founded by myself and a bunch of techies and business designers in June 2018. Justus Technologies is about making a difference in the world. Justus believes in the power of open source, the power of co-operation and the power of companionship. The first product is an ine needs something to relate to, e.g. a rock band. Justus early became analogous with “management by rock n’ roll”, comparing a startup with a rock band on tour, on the quest for their first fans and first gigs. We found many aspects that were jointly shared with ourselves and a rock band, i.e. our design process in terms of business, tech and communication. 

I have since the start continuously contributed to the evolvement of the brand. As we launched the webpage I have also updated some features based on user feedback and traction. Independent open-innovation based IoT system made up of software and hardware to measure, log and verify the performance of smaller solar power installations.

Duration: (July 2018 - January 2019)
My role: Co-founder, Art Director & Web Designer/Developer
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Web: www.justustech.se


I built and designed the web page of Justus Technologies based on our vision and manifesto and I was now able to use the design language that the graphical profile now conveyed throughout the design of the webpage. In addition I also designed the company’s business cards along with merchandise that was used during the first startup event that Justus showed up on.


I started out the design process by searching for design inspiration related to many of our world known rock bands. My approach was to combine these attributes with startups and tech. The symbol, or monogram, of Justus became a version of a submerged “J” and a “U”. Since the beginning orange and black were predefined primary colors to work with. The secondary choices of colors were found after a number of iterative tryouts and combinations.